Dato’ Aliff Syukri may lead a luxurious lifestyle, but not many are aware of the struggles he faced in the past. He has endured immense backlash for his online content, to the point where netizens have called for a boycott but during the pre-Covid years, the entrepreneur was accused of multiple crimes, including child abuse, which led to his arrest.
In a recent episode of the AIDIDITMYWAY podcast, Aliff Syukri and his wife discussed the hardships they had to endure. The businessman recalled the time he was taken into custody due to abuse allegations. In fact, he was almost forced to spend the night in jail.

“Luckily, I had my lawyer with me at the time. It was the most terrifying experience I’ve had. They even threatened to put me in handcuffs had I refused to go with them to the police station,” he recalled. His wife, Datin Seri Nur Shahida, shared that she was away in another country when the incident occurred. However, prior to her trip, they had an argument, which was partly why she was unaware of the police’s involvement until her husband was taken into custody as they were not speaking to each other.
The pair also recalled another significant incident when their home was raided by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) at the break of dawn. On this occasion, Nur Shahida was the one at home. “There were almost 20 people at our doorstep. Aliff wasn’t there as he was away at our resort in Janda Baik. Again, we had an argument before he left. Come to think, why is it whenever we fight, these things happen? Anyway, [the officers] were asking to see my husband. They asked me questions about this Adikana person,” she explained.

The businesswoman recalled that Aliff had actually arrived home from the resort but was too afraid to enter the house when he saw all the officers inside. One of the MACC members had to persuade him to come inside and cooperate with the investigation. “I don’t know why he was so afraid if he hadn’t done anything wrong, but that’s how my husband is; he panics easily,” Nur Shahida said.
Netizens were mostly amused by how easy Aliff becomes terrified whenever authorities are involved. It’s ironic given the number of times he has threatened to sue someone. Others were genuinely curious about whether those cases had been resolved. According to several reports, the child abuse case was resolved on the same day Aliff Syukri was taken into custody. As for the MACC raid, it’s possible that the couple was referring to the Macau Scam allegations, in which they have denied their involvement.
Watch the preview of the podcast episode below:
@aididitmyway Dato hampir kena tidur lokap?! Uish lain macam.. Kita nampak macam best je kehidupan Dato Aliff ni kan? Tapi sebenarnya banyak dugaan yang menguji. 🤲🏻 Tapi apa yang kita nampak dekat sini, suami isteri lebih baik berdamai dan jaga perasaan antara satu sama lain. Sebab kalau tak? Ha macam Datin cakap la “asal bergaduh je ada bala”, besar pulak tu dugaannya. 😭 Ujian dalam rumah tangga ini semua orang ada, tapi yang macam mana kita nak kawal situasi tu betul tak? Haaa, tak tengok lagi Part 2 podcast ni? Singgah ke AididitMyWay sekarang! 😎💫 #aididitmyway #podcast #AIMY #datoaliffsyukri #aliffsyukri #terlajaklaris #aididmarcello @Aidid.Marcello @Aliff Syukri Kamarzaman
Sources: TikTok, YouTube, BHarian, Sinar Harian, NST
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