HK Actor Joseph Lee Kwok Lun Explains Why He Failed To Sell Anything During Previous Live Sale

As easy as selling merchandise during a live broadcast looks, there’s no denying it can be hard work. Hong Kong actor Joseph Lee Kwok Lun (李国麟) found this out the hard way.

The veteran actor almost went down in history for not being able to sell anything during an 8-hour stream. However, things have turned around for him. As it turns out, the ‘failed selling’ from earlier wasn’t entirely his fault!

Sources: Weibo/TVB明星联盟/Facebook/黃江

On 25th January, Joseph did an interview with Hong Kong talk show “Scoop (东张西望)”. Of course, they took the opportunity to ask the 67-year-old actor about his venture with live sale. Surprisingly, Joseph reported that he was doing much better. In fact, his current rating was now 4.71 out of 5.

Joseph also shared why he had performed so badly the first round. According to the actor, it had been a misunderstanding. “I (would say) that I was mistakenly criticised,” he told “Scoop”. “Because the team (from) Hangzhou which I worked with was not good (with) after-sales service and that reflected badly on me.” Joseph admitted it had worried him and he honestly thought the problem lay with him being a bad actor. “I’ve never tried (live selling) growing up, and people (would) say I’m unqualified,” he said.

Source: YouTube/TVB (official)

However, the actor is pleased that he is doing much better now. Joseph showed off the room he uses for live-broadcasting. It was filled with goods and confirmed the actor was ready to start live selling again soon. He added he was aiming to improve his rating and reach the “perfect score” of 5.

Well, Joseph is certainly no longer “the most miserable star with goods”. It’s good to know that he didn’t simply give up and persisted in trying again. Hopefully he manages to up his rating and achieve his goal!

Watch the full interview here:

Sources: China Press, Xuan, YouTube

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